5 star hotel near Gatwick
A design management role;Production & detail drawing programme. Implementation & co-ordination of sub-contractors.
A design management role;Production & detail drawing programme. Implementation & co-ordination of sub-contractors.
Please Read the Article “Bin Men and their I-Pads” to understand the inspiration for this poem. Have you heard about the latest crack They`re giving binmen Apple Macs The country`s gone completely mad Refuse collectors with free i -pads It`s hard to believe we`re in a recession When you hear … Continue reading
A council has bought iPads for its binmen so they can record householders who do not recycle waste. The tablet computers will be mounted on dashboards and used to guide binwagon drivers around new routes. The devices will also be used to compile a list of which residents don’t recycle … Continue reading
One of the practical concerns in this shopping centre roof sealing and enclosing project was smoke control. That in itself may even have inspired the decorative treatment for this atrium. Unlike building design for which there are volumes of design details written, the solution here required a bit of lateral … Continue reading
Recent amendments to the Disabled Access Regulations have brought about new advances which have benefitted not only the wheelchair bound disabled community. The threshold drain has enabled designers to create level transitions from outside to inside. In this building, the entire patio is level with the floor of the pavilion. … Continue reading
[mantra-pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”33%”][/mantra-pullquote]Within a space only 20M2 a studio flat was completely rebuilt. This offered an opportunity to upgrade all services, introduce sound and thermal insulation to create, on a limited budget of only £10,000 a self-contained, comfortable studio flat.
A 16M2 Extension to form a sun lounge
For a replacement porch beneath an existing flat canopy,we wanted traditional proportions . Unfortunately the aluminium door manufacturer refused to warrant doors so small and could not provide the proportions sought, we turned to wood for the task. By designing in wood we were able to have the large … Continue reading