I`ve been to see my Investment Analyst
Cos I`m in a state of financial Paralysis
I`m struggling with my rent and all
My savings bank has gone to the wall
The problem is, my consultant sweats
The bankers bought some sub-prime debts
They did not know , that in Mississipi
Their borrowers were just, a crowd of hippies
Moving on from debt to debt
buying cars and placing bets
Their borrowers had no brains at all
No means to pay, no collateral
The houses that they borrowed against
Were sometime just a financial fence
A makeshift shack or wooden cabin
It Didn`t stop the bankers, money grabbin`
The lenders dressed these loans up well
They sold on them on, to hide the smell
Bankers bought and bankers sold
Like a Klondyke revival making gold
They packaged them up to sell like loaves
This just was like the Emperor`s new clothes
All the silly,city boys
Had to have one amongst their toys
But just as Tony passed to Brown
The banking system came crashing down
Leaving us begging upon our knees
And lawyers charging handsome fees.
The banks did not worry, they did not fret
The government sorted out their debt
Underwrote their liability
And gave them an overdraft facility
The bankers they were extremely ethical
They paid themselves while we went hysterical
With massive bonuses they treated themselves right,
We think they`re just a bunch of effin shi_es
In my dotage there will be no relief
But bankers are golfing in Tenerife
Had to shelve my retirement plans
The traders are basking in the South of France
So if in twenty years or so
Some cash you need for your life to grow
Remember what your grandad said
Just put some money under your bed
I decided to omit the obvious rhyme
But here it is just for one time
This is my view of city bankers
They`re just a bunch of F_.__ ing _ankers